
Saturday 26 March 2011

Contents Page Second Draft

Click to enlarge image

The first draft had a very cheap and amateurish  appeal to me. I was not happy with it while I was working. The text was bunched together and it looked very dull and boring. The pages did not have much information.

For the second draft (above) I gave my contents page a complete re-design and makeover. I sat down with a few pieces of paper and my laptop, and I went researching into contents page design. After 3 hours of hunting and drafting, I came up with a design similar to the one above. Once I was happy with the design, I went onto Photoshop and created the page all over again, from scratch. I moved the images to one place to make it look well organised. I made the text surround the images so that potential readers would not be distracted by text or image while looking at the opposite. I also put in a snapshot of the front cover which is a convention that I've seen in music magazine content pages. I gave the whole page a new, well structured design.

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