
Thursday 3 March 2011

The Photo Shoots

Photo Shoot 1
These are the images from the first photo shoot I held. These were the initial photos that I was going to use but I was not happy with the variety and the models' skin colour came out as yellow rather than their natural skin colour for most of the photos. This was an unexpected hurdle that I came across because I had been provided with all the professional equipment to use: an SLR camera, a green screen, camera lights, a tripod and an extra detachable camera lens. So I had to set up another photo shoot... (** Please note that there are more photos than displayed on the thumbnail panel. Use the arrow navigation buttons which are found at the top of the image display **)

Photo Shoot 2
For the second shoot, I used the same camera. After the first shoot, I thought that if I had a variety of costume and props, it would give me a wider choice of options for photos to use. The first shoot taught me that the lighting was not working. I thought that the green screen may be having some sort of effect on my models' skin colour. I tried taking photos with and without the green screen. It seems that the green screen does have a small effect on skin colour. Without the green screen, photos are generally coming out crisper and very few of the green-screen-less shots leave the models with a yellow ting. After having changed the costumes of the models, I thought that I should take a third photo shoot with another change in costume to see how different my magazine would look if I used different clothes...

Photo Shoot 3
For the third photo shoot I decided that I should switch off two of the yellow lights that I used. I hoped that this might reduced the 'yellow skin' effect. I also decided to use a different camera. For the first two photo shoots, I used a Fujifilm FinePix S7000. For the third and final photo shoot (found below) I used a Canon EOS 1000D. The results? The images were much crisper and clearer. It had more definition and detail on them and there was no 'yellow skin' effect present in any of the photos. I was very impressed of the final products that were produced by the camera. I knew instantly that most of the pictures that I would use would come from this final photo shoot.

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