
Saturday 11 December 2010

Front Cover Analysis 1: VIBE

Vibe is a music and entertainment magazine which was founded by the well known producer Quincy Jones. This magazine was shut down in the summer of 2009 but was relaunched after being purchased by private investment company, InterMedia Partners. Because of this, VIBE now has a larger online presence. They aim at predominately young followers of urban and hip hop culture. They compete with companies like the Source and XXL.

This magazine is aimed at young music lovers in particular. We can tell by looking at the sell lines that this particular issue of VIBE is aimed at rap lovers. The cell lines includes words like "Rap" and "Rapper" and names of well-known rappers like Eminem, Lil Wayne, T.I, Kanye West and Jay-Z. Other artist names are used in the sell line as well. One of the sell lines uses a direct mode of address, which asks the audience to decide on who the best rapper is. The sell lines are wrapped around the key image. The mast head consists of the skyline where we find the names of music artists, rappers in particular. We also see the magazine name, Vibe, which has the connotations of youth. It sounds like something that young people would say or use which suggests its target audience:young music lovers.

The key image of the magazine front cover is a medium close-up of the world-renowned R'n'B artist, Eminem. Eminem is directly looking at the reader, wearing a look of seriousness. His tough facial expression makes him look important. This is reinforced by the size of the image: it consumes a majority area of the page. Direct mode of address is a very powerful advertising technique as it makes the audience feel that they are just as important as the man on the cover and also makes them feel connected to Eminem. He also has a lot of tattoos which is what a lot of Hip Hop/R'n'B artists get done. Tattoos usually reflect ones personality. There is an image of his daughter, Halie, on his shoulder. This could suggest that he is a very loving person towards his daughter and by this tattoo, the cover may be trying to convince readers to stay kind and loving towards people, especially their own family.

We do see other advertising techniques like alliteration and list of three used on this cover. Both are used in the sell line "Vicodin. Valium. Methadone". These are names of drugs that Eminem has taken in his early life, which is indicated below the three words: '"I literally almost dies" Eminem comes clean'. This could suggest that artists of this particular genre are dangerous and could be, in several ways, just like ordinary people. These days Hip Hop and R'n'B artists are becoming influential to the younger generation and tend to follow them. Maybe as Eminem "comes clean", it may encourage readers to do the same. His crucifix chain also suggests that he may be a strong believer of Christianity and this reinforces the "comes clean" sell line.

Colours that are used in magazine are mainly black, red and grey. They are generally dull colours but the white background reinforces the typography, making it stand out.

The magazine also has a website, suggesting that Vibe have gone online, moving from traditional boundaries. The magazine also offers the audience to decide on the "best rapper ever". This is indicated by the phrase "you decide". A direct mode of address is used here as well with the word "You".

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