
Tuesday 14 December 2010

Contents Page Analysis 1: Vibe

  • A black-to-white gradient runs from the top to the page and down to the bottom. By using a gradient, there is a calm, serene appeal from the page.
  • Ciara, the model, is a popular R'n'B artist
  • The page is not filled with text: too much text usually puts of the reader.
  • Ciara, the key image, consumes most of the page. All the attention is directed onto her.
  • Ciara is lying down with her legs high up in the air. It seems like she is bordering the text on the right from the other items on the page.
  • She wears short clothing, showing her bare legs: she seems like she is seducing the reader of the magazine. She is wearing very modern clothing. She is wearing makeup and high heels. Perhaps this particular issue aims at a young female audience
  • Her posing makes the page look very unique unlike contents pages from other magazines like NME, who follows a consistent, organized layout.
  • The page does not follow an organized layout however the page does not look droopy or messy but tidiness has been taken into account.
  • This scattering of the word "contents" is something Vibe always do: it has become something of a motif.
  • Very simplistic design and colour choice, too much colour can also put off the reader because it may have a bit of a flashy appeal. After all, this is not a children's magazine.
  • Using black and white gives the page a classy and serious look. The white text stands out.
  • We can tell that the magazine also talks about fashion; indicated by one of the sections: fashion is usually associated with females which, again, indicates the target audience
  • Females can associate themselves with the model and her appearance.
  • We can see that the theory, 'to-be-looked-at-ness', is used here. This theory was thought up by Laura Mulvey in 1975. This theory stated that women in media texts are used as visual pleasure.
  • Ciara's legs form a 'V' shape, which is linked to the magazine name.

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